Writing engaging blog posts takes confidence. You don’t have to be born with it, you simply tap into it. Let’s explore how. This is the first part of my Blog Writing Tips Series and we’re… read more of this article
5 Writing Tips for When You’re Feeling Discouraged
What do you do when you’re feeling discouraged about your writing? Whether you’re a professional writer or you write articles and social media captions for your business, feeling discouraged about your writing is common. I’m… read more of this article
Become a prolific writer; a system for writing more, faster
If you’ve ever wanted to become a prolific writer, let’s learn how to do it, step-by-step. Writer and professor, Isaac Asimov authored or edited 500+ books. That would be enough to put us all to… read more of this article
About page copywriting (a system for writing about yourself)
Did you know the ‘About’ page is typically the 2nd most visited page on a website? That means you need to spend time and energy getting it right. Your ‘About’ page allows you to connect… read more of this article
A Framework for never running out of content ideas
To stay relevant, authors and online entrepreneurs need to create fresh, engaging content that stands out from the noise. But how do you keep coming up with ideas? Not just random ideas, but ones that… read more of this article
A massive list of resources for struggling writers
I was a broke writer. For too many years. It became my identity I’d cycle between just enough clients and desperation. If you can identify with this, I’m sharing a top list of resources to… read more of this article